Maintain Vaginal Health with These 8 Simple Tips

8 Simple Tips For A Healthy Vagina
Every woman should take care of the health of the vagina. A healthy vagina is naturally acidic environment and contains good bacteria that protect against infection and maintain an acidic pH value of 4-5. A healthy vagina produces secretions that moisturizes and cleans. And this is the normal state of things.
And when it disrupts any cause (menstrual blood, sperm, soaps and shower gels, irrigates, spermicides, changes hormonal status during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, antibiotics …), reduces the acidity of the environment and the vagina becomes susceptible to infections.
In some cases you that you can not, and in some you are the challenger accidental ignition. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining the health of the vagina.
Do not rinse
Douching disrupts its natural acidity, specifically lowers it, so the vagina becomes more susceptible to bacterial infections. So do not resort wash as soon as you feel strong or unpleasant smell. Visit a gynecologist, because flushing only temporarily masks the problem. I avoid to wash a strong soaps and shower gels, which also disturb the pH value.
Healthy Eating
You have no idea how balanced diet and intake of adequate amounts of fluid contributes to vaginal and reproductive health. Certain foods we can even help with some mild inflammatory conditions. Cranberry juice and yogurt are good allies in the fight against fungi and increasingly proposed as a complementary therapy along with medication. A soy and soy products help to condition known as dry vagina because they contain small amounts of estrogen, which stimulates the secretion of mucus and natural moisture.
Not at third unprotected sex
Condoms protect against bacterial infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts and chlamydia. Some of these diseases are incurable, such as HIV and genital herpes. And all this can prevent one condom.
Go for regular checkups
Regular examination by a gynecologist is essential for maintaining women’s health. Every woman should see a doctor as soon as you become sexually active, earlier if there is no need for that. Prevention is next to godliness, which is especially true for girls who need the time to start thinking about reproduction and reproductive health.
Sore treat immediately
There are three common types of genital infections: Canadians, bacterial vaginas and trichinosis, which is a sexually transmitted disease. Treatment of these infections should not be to throw away. As soon as you experience itching, burning, unpleasant odor or, God forbid pain, know that it will not be by itself. Go to the doctor after the right treatment.
Lubricants that Vaseline is not
Vaginal lubrication is an important part of sexual intercourse. When it does, the labia and the inside of the vagina are irritated. Vaginal wet is otherwise naturally, from any cause hormone secretion, and when a woman stops moisturizing, should use an artificial lubricant. Replacement of lubricant should not be either Vaseline products based on oil, as they may cause infection, plus the rest of them used condoms and crumbling.
Choose cotton underwear
The vagina should be dry and clean, and it affects both know that you wear. Some of the material and cut panties, like thongs, irritate the genital area, sweat out a sweat attracts bacteria … Therefore, cotton underwear best solution. And after going swimming season, there is one important rule – do not sit in a wet bathing suit, change your clothes as soon as you exit the water.
Hygiene primarily
Common sense goes hand in hand with the preservation of the health of the vagina. So it is important that you follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene. After showering delete from front to back to avoid possible transfer of bacteria from the anal opening in the vaginal. Tampons and pads replace often, but when you do not have your period, do not use daily cartridges, they are heated and real wet environment – ideal for bacterial growth.

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  1. I would like to add a woman should be careful when using objects to masturbate with , as many household things are not suited to be inserted into the vagina ( to many to mention ) if unsure slip the object into a condom or two if possible .
