Dieting chart for the best body builders

Diet Chart For Gym Freaks!

People who go to gym need special food supplements which are rich in proteins and vitamins. Food which can burn body fat and also control the weight. Having just the protein shake and juice is not the end of the diet chart after gym. Here are the foods to include in your diet chart if you go to gym. Take a look.

Diet chart for people who gym:

1. Have healthy and nutritious snacks before going to the gym. They provide energy, are not heavy on the stomach and keeps you fit to workout.

2. Food rich in glucose provide energy to the body and helps workout with ease. Have fruits such as banana, papaya, pineapple to name a few glucose rich fruits.
3. Dried fruits such as almonds, apricots, pears and cashew nuts to boost up energy levels. They are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins to keep you fit and healthy.
4. Food rich in carbohydrates are also healthy for people who gym. Include carbohydrates in your diet chart to get energy during workout.
5. Carbohydrates promote glucose levels in the body without increasing the blood sugar levels negatively.
6. Whole grains, bread and cereals are rich in carbohydrates and can be included in the diet chart of gym freaks!
7. Corn, muesli, whole wheat, oatmeal, spaghetti, pasta and muffins are few carbohydrates rich food.
8. Dates, blueberry, grapes, oranges and watermelon are carbohydrates rich fruits which can be consumed before going for workout.
9. You can also have 10-12 almonds to boost up energy levels in the body before going to the gym. This is a healthy snack which control hunger whilst providing energy to workout.
10. Low fat dairy product such as yogurt or milk can be consumed before or after a workout. Include low fat dairy products in your diet chart and have them before or after gyming.
Include these foods in your diet chart if you are a gym freak. This controls your weight and are nutritious too!

"The best diet is verily important as much your effort in weighing the weight!"

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